Combining detectors for human layout analysis | BCNPCL_Human_Layout | Dept. de Matemātica Aplicada i Anālisi, Facultat de Matemātiques, Computer Vision Center Barcelona and Universitat Oberta de Catalunya | M. Drozdzal, A. Hernández, S. Seguí, X. Barķ, S. Escalera, A. Lapedriza, D. Masip, P. Radeva, J. Vitriā | Combination of several detectors for a complex human layout detector. For details see BCNPCL_PASCAL2010.pptx | 2010-08-10 12:38:27 |
Skin based layout detection | Oxford_SBD | University of Oxford | Arpit Mittal, Andrew Zisserman, Philip H. S. Torr, Manuel J. Marin | Head localization is performed using a part-based upper body detector. A local color model of skin pixels is learned using face pixels obtained from the head bounding box. Using this color model, we perform skin detection on the image. Hand positions are then hypothesized from the skin regions so obtained. These hypotheses are verified using the RBF kernel SVM classifier and our own articulated model of the human upper body.
It is to be noted that we do not localize feet in the image.
| 2010-08-30 20:07:54 |