The PASCAL Visual Object Classes Challenge 2005 Development Kit

Mark Everingham

1 Challenge

The goal of this challenge is to recognize objects from a number of visual object classes in realistic scenes (i.e. not pre-segmented objects). There are four object classes: There are two tasks:

1.1 Classification task

For each of the four object classes predict the presence/absence of at least one object of that class in a test image. The output from your system should be a real-valued confidence of the object's presence so that an ROC curve can be drawn.

1.2 Detection task

For each of the four classes predict the bounding boxes of each object of that class in a test image (if any). Each bounding box should be output with an associated real-valued confidence of the detection so that a precision/recall curve can be drawn. To be considered a correct detection, the area of overlap $a_o$ between the predicted bounding box $B_p$ and ground truth bounding box $B_{gt}$ must exceed $50\%$ by the formula:
a_o = \frac{area(B_p \cap B_{gt})}{area(B_p \cup B_{gt})}
\end{displaymath} (1)

MATLAB code for computing this overlap measure is present in the example code. Multiple detections of the same object in an image will be considered false detections e.g. 5 detections of a single object is counted as 1 correct detection and 4 false detections - it is the responsibility of the user's system to filter multiple detections from its output.

1.3 Image sets

There are five sets of images provided. These are provided in the ``VOC2005 Dataset 1'' and ``VOC2005 Testset 2'' databases. The image sets are to be used both for the classification and detection tasks.
Training data
Validation data (suggested). The validation data may be used as additional training data (see below).
The union of train and val.
First test set. This test set is taken from the same distribution of images as the training and validation data, and is expected to provide an `easier' challenge.
Second test set. This test set has been freshly collected for the challenge. It is not therefore expected to have the same distribution as the training data, and should provide a `harder' challenge.

1.4 Competitions

Eight competitions are defined according to the task, the choice of training data: (i) taken from the VOC train+val data provided, or (ii) from any source excluding the VOC {test1|test2} data provided; and the choice of test data: (i) test1 (`easier') or (ii) test2 ('harder'):
No. Task Training data Test data
1 Classification train+val test1
2 Classification train+val test2
3 Classification not VOC test1 or test2 test1
4 Classification not VOC test1 or test2 test2
5 Detection train+val test1
6 Detection train+val test2
7 Detection not VOC test1 or test2 test1
8 Detection not VOC test1 or test2 test2
To emphasize, in competitions 3-4 and 7-8, any source of training data may be used except the provided test data test1 or test2. Competitions 1-2 and 5-6 must use only the provided test data train and val. Note that any annotation provided in the VOC train and val sets may be used for training, for example bounding boxes, particular class labels e.g. PAScarFrontal or PAScarSide, polygonal outlines where provided, etc. For each competition, entrants may choose to tackle all, or any subset of object classes, for example ``cars only'' or ``motorbikes and cars''.

2 Development Kit Contents

The development kit is packaged in a single gzipped tar file containing code, image lists specifying training/validation sets, and (this) documentation. The images required for the challenge are provided in the ``VOC2005 Dataset 1'' and ``VOC2005 Testset 2'' databases available from the VOC database page.

3 Installation and Configuration

The simplest installation is achieved by placing the development kit and challenge databases to a single location. After untarring the development kit, download the two challenge databases and untar into a subdirectory ``VOCdata/'', resulting in the following directory structure:
    VOCdevkit/                   % documentation and example code
    VOCdevkit/PASCAL/            % PASCAL/VOC utility code
    VOCdevkit/PASCAL/imgsets/    % image sets (internal use only)
    VOCdevkit/VOCdata/           % VOC images and annotation
    VOCdevkit/VOCdata/VOC2005_1/ % Dataset 1
    VOCdevkit/VOCdata/VOC2005_2/ % Testset 2
    VOCdevkit/results/           % directory for your results
If you set the current directory in MATLAB to the VOCdevkit directory you should be able to run the example functions example_classifier and example_detector. If desired, you can store the code, images/annotation, and results in separate directories, for example you might want to store the image data in a common group location. To specify the locations of the image/annotation and results directories, edit the VOCinit.m file, e.g.
% change this path to point to your copy of the PASCAL images

% change this path to a writable directory for your results
Note that in developing your own code you need to include the VOCdevkit/PASCAL directory in your MATLAB path, e.g.
>> addpath /homes/me/code/VOCdevkit/PASCAL

4 Example Code

Example implementations for both the classification and detection tasks are provided. The aim of these implementations is solely to demonstrate use of the code in the development kit. The code has been written in such a manner that you should be able to incorporate your own classifier/detector by replacing just a few lines of code.

4.1 Example Classifier Implementation

The file example_classifier.m contains a complete implementation of the classification task. For each VOC object class a simple classifier is trained on the train+val set; the classifier is then applied to the `easier' test set test1 and an ROC curve plotted. The classifier output and ROC curve is saved in the format required for submitting results to PASCAL. Incorporation of your own classifier code can be achieved by replacing the definitions of the example_train and example_classify functions. Of course, you are free to use whatever other methods may be appropriate, but results for submission to PASCAL must be produced by calling the VOCroc function.

4.2 Example Detector Implementation

The file example_detector.m contains a complete implementation of the detection task. For each VOC object class a simple (and not very successful!) detector is trained on the train+val set; the detector is then applied to the `easier' test set test1, precision/recall and DET curves plotted. The curves are saved in the format required for submitting results to PASCAL. Incorporation of your own detector code can be achieved by replacing the definitions of the example_train and example_detect functions. Of course, you are free to use whatever other methods may be appropriate, but results for submission to PASCAL must be produced by calling the VOCpr function.

5 Using the Development Kit

The development kit provides functions for loading annotation data related to the VOC challenge and generating ROC, precision/recall, and DET curves for submission to PASCAL.

5.1 VOCinit

The VOCinit script initializes a single structure PASopts which contains options for the PASCAL functions including directories containing the PASCAL data, options for the evaluation functions (not to be modified), and the list of object classes for the VOC challenge. The field VOCclass is a structure array listing the VOC object classes. Each element has a field label which is the VOC label string for the class, and a field PASlabels which is the list of PASCAL labels from which the VOC class is derived e.g.
>> PASopts.VOCclass(1)

ans =

        label: 'VOCmotorbikes'
    PASlabels: {'PASmotorbike'  'PASmotorbikeSide'}
The label field is used to identify results to the evaluation code and for submitting results to PASCAL, see below and the example code.

5.2 VOCreadimgset(PASopts,label,subset)

The VOCreadimgset function loads the annotation data associated with a particular image set i.e. the training/validation/test set for a particular VOC object class. The argument label specifies the VOC class label e.g. 'VOCmotorbikes' and the argument subset specifies the subset of data which should be one of 'train|val|train+val|test1|test2'. For example, to load the training set for the VOCmotorbikes class, use:
>> imgset=VOCreadimgset(PASopts,'VOCmotorbikes','train')

imgset =

      label: 'VOCmotorbikes'
     subset: 'train'
       recs: [1x342 struct]
    posinds: [1x107 double]
    neginds: [1x235 double]
The returned value is a structure with the label and subset strings preserved. The recs field is an array of PASCAL image annotation records. For convenience, the posinds field lists the indices of `positive' records which contain at least one instance of the object class of interest (see below), and the neginds field lists the corresponding `negative' records in which no objects of interest are present. Each element of the recs field is a standard PASCAL image annotation record (see the PASCAL annotation files for details) e.g.
>> imgset.recs(1)

ans =

     imgname: 'Caltech/PNGImages/motorbikes_side/0002.png'
     imgsize: [440 280 3]
    database: 'The Caltech Database'
     objects: [1x1 struct]
     present: 1
For convenience, the additional present field indicates if an instance of the object class of interest (e.g. VOCmotorbikes here) is present in the image. The objects field contains a structure array containing annotation for each object of interest present in the image (if any) e.g.
>> imgset.recs(1).objects

ans =

       label: 'PASmotorbikeSide'
    orglabel: 'motorbikes'
        bbox: [11 13 431 270]
     polygon: []
        mask: ''
Note that the only objects listed are instances of the object class of interest (e.g. VOCmotorbikes here) i.e. recs(i).present=length(recs(i).objects)>0.

5.3 VOCroc(PASopts,imgset,confidence,draw)

The VOCroc function computes an ROC curve for the object classification task in which the aim is to determine solely the presence of absence of an object class in an image. The imgset argument specifies the image set loaded using VOCreadimgset. The draw argument can be set nonzero to draw the ROC curve on the current figure. The confidence argument specifies the output of the user's classifier for the image set imgset. It should contain one element per image with greater values indicating greater confidence that an instance of the object class of interest is present e.g. something like $P(object\_present\vert image)$. The return value from the function is a structure containing the vector of confidence values input to the function and a vector of false positives fp and true positives tp, with the identity of the class label and image set preserved e.g.
>> roc=VOCroc(PASopts,valset,confidence,true)

roc =

         label: 'VOCmotorbikes'
        subset: 'val'
    confidence: [342x1 double]
            tp: [1x342 double]
            fp: [1x342 double]

5.4 VOCsaveroc(PASopts,roc,expt)

The VOCsaveroc saves the ROC curve computed by VOCroc to a file in the format required for submission to PASCAL e.g.
>> VOCsaveroc(PASopts,roc,'pascal_develtest')
The expt argument specifies a string identifier for the experiment which the user is free to choose. The output file is stored in the user's specified results directory (see VOCinit) and named automatically according to the experiment, VOC class label and experiment.

5.5 VOCpr(PASopts,imgset,dets,draw)

The VOCpr function computes a precision/recall curve for the object detection task in which the aim is to determine both the presence and bounding boxes of instances of a particular object class in an image. The imgset argument specifies the image set loaded using VOCreadimgset. The draw argument can be set nonzero to draw the precision/recall curve on the current figure. The dets argument specifies the output of the user's detector for the image set imgset. It should be an array of structures with fields imgnum, confidence, and bbox e.g.
>> dets

dets =

1x342 struct array with fields:
The imgnum field specifies the index of the image in the image set imgset to which the detection applies. The confidence field indicates confidence in the detection, with greater values indicating greater confidence that the object is present at the specified position e.g. something like $P(object\_present\vert bbox)$. The bbox field specifies the bounding box of the detection in the image (in MATLAB image coordinates) as a vector of the form [xmin ymin xmax ymax] (coordinates need not be integer valued). An example:
>> dets(1)

ans =

        imgnum: 1
    confidence: 3.9953
          bbox: [32.6162 -4.2666 413.6433 229.2844]
The return value from the function is a structure containing a vector of recall and corresponding precision values, with the identity of the class label and image set preserved e.g.
>> pr=VOCpr(PASopts,valset,dets,true)

pr =

        label: 'VOCmotorbikes'
       subset: 'val'
       recall: [342x1 double]
    precision: [342x1 double]

5.6 VOCsavepr(PASopts,pr,expt)

The VOCsavepr saves the precision/recall curve computed by VOCpr to a file in the format required for submission to PASCAL e.g.
>> VOCsavepr(PASopts,pr,'pascal_develtest')
The expt argument specifies a string identifier for the experiment which the user is free to choose. The output file is stored in the user's specified results directory (see VOCinit) and named automatically according to the experiment, VOC class label and experiment.

5.7 VOCdet(PASopts,imgset,dets,draw)

The VOCdet function computes a Detection Error Tradeoff (DET) curve for the object detection task in which the aim is to determine both the presence and bounding boxes of instances of a particular object class in an image. The imgset argument specifies the image set loaded using VOCreadimgset. The draw argument can be set nonzero to draw the precision/recall curve on the current figure. The dets argument specifies the output of the user's detector for the image set imgset. It should be an array of structures with fields imgnum, confidence, and bbox e.g.
>> dets

dets =

1x342 struct array with fields:
The imgnum field specifies the index of the image in the image set imgset to which the detection applies. The confidence field indicates confidence in the detection, with greater values indicating greater confidence that the object is present at the specified position e.g. something like $P(object\_present\vert bbox)$. The bbox field specifies the bounding box of the detection in the image (in MATLAB image coordinates) as a vector of the form [xmin ymin xmax ymax] (coordinates need not be integer valued). An example:
>> dets(1)

ans =

        imgnum: 1
    confidence: 3.9953
          bbox: [32.6162 -4.2666 413.6433 229.2844]
The return value from the function is a structure containing a vector of false positive and corresponding miss rate values, with the identity of the class label and image set preserved e.g.
>> DET=VOCdet(PASopts,valset,dets,true)


        label: 'VOCmotorbikes'
       subset: 'val'
           fp: [342x1 double]
           mr: [342x1 double]

5.8 VOCsavedet(PASopts,pr,expt)

The VOCsavedet saves the DET curve computed by VOCdet to a file in the format required for submission to PASCAL e.g.
>> VOCsavedet(PASopts,DET,'pascal_develtest')
The expt argument specifies a string identifier for the experiment which the user is free to choose. The output file is stored in the user's specified results directory (see VOCinit) and named automatically according to the experiment, VOC class label and experiment.

About this document ...

The PASCAL Visual Object Classes Challenge 2005 Development Kit

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Mark Everingham 2005-08-31