PASCAL VOC2008 Example Images

Example images containing at least one instance of each object category are shown here. Click on the images to see a larger version.

The images show the annotation available, consisting of bounding box, object category, view (optional), a "truncated" flag (indicating that the bounding box does not match the full object extent), and a "difficult" flag (indicating objects considered particular difficult to recognize, and currently ignored in the evaluation). Full details can be found in the development kit documentation.

Aeroplanes - all images contain at least one aeroplane.


Bicycles - all images contain at least one bicycle.


Birds - all images contain at least one bird.


Boats - all images contain at least one boat.


Bottles - all images contain at least one bottle.


Buses - all images contain at least one bus.


Cars - all images contain at least one car.


Cats - all images contain at least one cat.


Chairs - all images contain at least one chair.


Cows - all images contain at least one cow.


Dining tables - all images contain at least one dining table.


Dogs - all images contain at least one dog.


Horses - all images contain at least one horse.


Motorbikes - all images contain at least one motorbike.


People - all images contain at least one person.


Potted plants - all images contain at least one potted plant.


Sheep - all images contain at least one sheep.

Sofas - all images contain at least one sofa.


Trains - all images contain at least one train.


TV/Monitors - all images contain at least one TV/monitor.